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Cilantro Pistachio Pesto


vegan/gluten free/paleo

The perfect balance of richness and acid. 

When I was 12 my mother took me to her friend's house for dinner.  We all have those memories of that time we ate that thing at someone's house.  This was one of those indelible meals for me.

It was the first time I'd ever been in the presence of a gay couple and more importantly it was the first time I'd ever had a nut puree that wasn't peanut butter. It was my first dinner "party". I remember how the table and the lighting were impeccable.  We were not just eating at a friend's house. This was an experience intentionally created for my mother and me, a seventh grader. I was beyond impressed.  It was my first memory of being hosted, something I felt my mom deliberately exposed me to. It remains one of the many milestone dinners of my youth.  

It was 1982 and the appetizer was tortellini in walnut pesto.

"What? Walnuts? Nuts? THIS is nuts?  is how the conversation went in my head. My brain was trying to reconcile the delicious savory taste versus the Skippy in my fluffernutters.  

I never got the recipe (because I was twelve and well,  if it wasn't in Young Miss...) but I remembered the dish always.

Pesto (for me) can be any nut + herb + acid. 

This day there happened to be pistachios, cilantro, a small amount of basil and lemon left in my fridge.  Tip: A handful of basil or raw spinach in any green pesto will round out the flavors and make the color green green. 

1 bunch cilantro

1 handful basil

1 cup pistachios (do yourself a favor and buy them shelled) 

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

1/4 cup  warm water (warm water will help emulsify ingredients)

1/4 cup olive oil 

salt and pepper to taste 

Everything in the food processor, toss with pasta 

Season with chili flake (optional)
